Working with Data

This section is a tutorial for tracking and managing SeisIO data.

Creating Data Containers

Create a new, empty object using any of the following commands:

Object Purpose
SeisChannel() A single channel of univariate (usually time-series) data
SeisData() Multichannel univariate (usually time-series) data
SeisHdr() Header structure for discrete seismic events
SeisEvent() Discrete seismic events; includes SeisHdr and SeisData objects

Acquiring Data

  • Read files with read_data
  • Make web requets with get_data
  • Initiate real-time streaming sessions to SeisData objects with seedlink

Keeping Track

A number of auxiliary functions exist to keep track of channels:

findchan(id::String, S::SeisData)
findchan(S::SeisData, id::String)

Get all channel indices i in S with id \(\in\)[i]. Can do partial id matches, e.g. findchan(S, “UW.”) returns indices to all channels whose IDs begin with “UW.”.

findid(S::SeisData, id)

Return the index of the first channel in S where id = id. Requires an exact string match; faster than Julia findfirst on small structures.

findid(S::SeisData, Ch::SeisChannel)

Equivalent to findfirst(

namestrip!(S[, convention])

Remove bad characters from the :name fields of S. Specify convention as a string (default is “File”):

Convention Characters Removed:sup:(a)
“File” "$*/:<>?@\^|~DEL
“HTML” "&';<>©DEL
“Julia” $\DEL
“Markdown” !#()*+-.[\]_`{}
“Strict” !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~DEL

(a) DEL here is \x7f (ASCII/Unicode U+007f).


Return current UTC time formatted yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.


Turn off tracking in S and return a boolean vector of which channels were added or changed.


Begin tracking changes in S. Tracks changes to :id, channel additions, and changes to data vector sizes in S.x.

Does not track data processing operations on any channel i unless length(S.x[i]) changes for channel i (e.g. filtering is not tracked).

Warning: If you have or suspect gapped data in any channel, calling ungap! while tracking is active will always flag a channel as changed.

Source Logging

The :src field records the last data source used to populate each channel; usually a file name or URL.

When a data source is added to a channel, including the first time data are added, it’s also recorded in the :notes field. Use show_src(S, i) to print all data sources for channel S[i] to stdout (see below for details).

Channel Maintenance

A few functions exist specifically to simplify data maintenance:


Delete all channels from S that have no data (i.e. S.x is empty or non-existent).

C = pull(S::SeisData, id::String)

Extract the first channel with id=id from S and return it as a new SeisChannel structure. The corresponding channel in S is deleted.

C = pull(S::SeisData, i::integer)

Extract channel i from S as a new SeisChannel object C, and delete the corresponding channel from S.

Taking Notes

Functions that add and process data note these operations in the :notes field of each object affected. One can also add custom notes with the note! command:

note!(S, i, str)

Append str with a timestamp to the :notes field of channel number i of S.

note!(S, id, str)

As above for the first channel in S whose id is an exact match to id.

note!(S, str)

if str* mentions a channel name or ID, only the corresponding channel(s) in **S is annotated; otherwise, all channels are annotated.

Clear all notes from channel i of S.

clear_notes!(S, id)

Clear all notes from the first channel in S whose id field exactly matches id.


Clear all notes from every channel in S.

Checking Your Work

If you need to check what’s been done to a channel, or the sources present in the channel data, these commands are helpful:

show_processing(S::SeisData, i::Int)

Tabulate and print all processing steps in :notes to stdout in human-readable format.

show_src(S::SeisData, i::Int)

Tabulate and print all data sources in :notes to stdout.

show_writes(S::SeisData, i::Int)

Tabulate and print all write operations in :notes to stdout in human-readable format.