Getting Help

In addition to the Juypter notebooks and online tutorial guide, other sources of help are available:


Several worked examples exist throughout these documents, in addition to examples.jl and the interactive tutorial.

Invoke the command-prompt examples with the following command sequence:

p = pathof(SeisIO)
d = dirname(realpath(p))


The commands in tests/ can be used as templates; to install test data and run all tests, execute these commands:

using Pkg
Pkg.test("SeisIO")      # lunch break recommended. Tests can take 20 minutes.
                        # 99.5% code coverage wasn't an accident...
p = pathof(SeisIO)
cd(realpath(dirname(p) * "/../test/"))

Command-Line Help

A great deal of additional help functions are available at the Julia command prompt. All SeisIO functions and structures have their own docstrings. For example, typing ?SeisData at the Julia prompt produces the following:


A custom structure designed to contain the minimum necessary information
for processing univariate geophysical data.


A single channel designed to contain the minimum necessary information
for processing univariate geophysical data.


Field  Description
–––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
:n     Number of channels [^1]
:c     TCP connections feeding data to this object [^1]
:id    Channel id. Uses NET.STA.LOC.CHAN format when possible
:name  Freeform channel name
:loc   Location (position) vector; any subtype of InstrumentPosition
:fs    Sampling frequency in Hz; fs=0.0 for irregularly-sampled data.
:gain  Scalar gain
:resp  Instrument response; any subtype of InstrumentResponse
:units String describing data units. UCUM standards are assumed.
:src   Freeform string describing data source.
:misc  Dictionary for non-critical information.
:notes Timestamped notes; includes automatically-logged info.
:t     Matrix of time gaps in integer μs, formatted [Sample# Length]
:x     Time-series data

Dedicated Help Functions

These functions take no arguments and dump information to stdout.

Submodule SEED


Output lists of supported blockettes in dataless SEED to stdout.


Output lists of supported blockettes in mini-SEED to stdout.


Output “hall of shame” of known examples of broken RESP to stdout.


Output full information on SEED support to stdout.

Submodule SUDS


Dump info to STDOUT on SUDS support for each numbered SUDS structure.

  • Green structures are fully supported and read into memory.
  • Yellow structures can be dumped to stdout with read_data(“suds”, …, v=2).
  • Red structures are skipped and don’t exist in our test data.

Formats Guide

formats is a constant static dictionary with descriptive entries of each data format. Access the list of formats with sort(keys(formats)). Then try a command like formats[“slist”] for detailed info. on the slist format.

Help-Only Functions

These functions contain help docstrings but execute nothing. They exist to answer common questions.


Answers: how do I specify channels in a web request? Outputs channel id syntax to stdout.


Answers: which servers are available for FDSN queries? Outputs the FDSN server list to stdout.


All About Keywords

Invoke keywords help with ?SeisIO.KW for complete information on SeisIO shared keywords and meanings.