
Time Syntax

Functions that allow time specification use two reserved keywords or arguments to track time:

  • s: Start (begin) time
  • t: Termination (end) time

Specify each as a DateTime, Real, or String.

  • Real numbers are interpreted as seconds. Special behavior is invoked when both s and t are of Type Real.
  • DateTime values should follow Julia documentation
  • Strings have the expected format spec YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssss
    • Fractional second is optional and accepts up to 6 decimal places (μs)
    • Incomplete time Strings treat missing fields as 0.
    • Example: s=”2016-03-23T11:17:00.333”

It isn’t necessary to choose values so that st. The two values are always sorted, so that t < s doesn’t error.

Time Types and Behavior

typeof(s) typeof(t) Behavior
DateTime DateTime convert to String, then sort
DateTime Real add t seconds to s, convert to String, then sort
DateTime String convert s to String, then sort
Real DateTime add s seconds to t, convert to String, then sort
Real Real treat as relative (see below), convert to String, sort
Real String add s seconds to t, convert to String, then sort
String DateTime convert t to String, then sort
String Real add t seconds to s, convert to String, then sort
String String sort

Special Behavior with two Real arguments

If s and t are both Real numbers, they’re treated as seconds measured relative to the start of the current minute. This convention may seem unusual, but it greatly simplifies web requests; for example, specifying s=-1200.0, t=0.0 is a convenient shorthand for “the last 20 minutes of data”.

Data Requests Syntax

Channel ID Syntax

NN.SSSSS.LL.CC (net.sta.loc.cha, separated by periods) is the expected syntax for all web functions. The maximum field width in characters corresponds to the length of each field (e.g. 2 for network). Fields can’t contain whitespace.

NN.SSSSS.LL.CC.T (net.sta.loc.cha.tflag) is allowed in SeedLink. T is a single-character data type flag and must be one of DECOTL: Data, Event, Calibration, blOckette, Timing, or Logs. Calibration, timing, and logs are not in the scope of SeisIO and may crash SeedLink sessions.

The table below specifies valid types and expected syntax for channel lists.

Type Description Example
String Comma-delineated list of IDs “PB.B004.01.BS1, PB.B002.01.BS1”
Array{String,1} String array, one ID string per entry [“PB.B004.01.BS1”, “PB.B002.01.BS1”]
Array{String,2} String array, one set of IDs per row [“PB” “B004” “01” “BS1”;
    “PB” “B002” “01” “BS1”]

The expected component order is always network, station, location, channel; thus, “UW.TDH..EHZ” is OK, but “UW.TDH.EHZ” fails.


Type ?chanspec in Julia to print the above info. to stdout.

Wildcards and Blanks

Allowed wildcards are client-specific.

  • The LOC field can be left blank in any client: "UW.ELK..EHZ" and ["UW" "ELK" "" "EHZ"] are all valid. Blank LOC fields are set to -- in IRIS, * in FDSN, and ?? in SeedLink.
  • ? acts as a single-character wildcard in FDSN & SeedLink. Thus, CC.VALT..??? is valid.
  • * acts as a multi-character wildcard in FDSN. Thus, CC.VALT..* and CC.VALT..??? behave identically in FDSN.
  • Partial specifiers are OK, but a network and station are always required: "UW.EL?" is OK, ".ELK.." fails.

Channel Configuration Files

One entry per line, ASCII text, format NN.SSSSS.LL.CCC.D. Due to client-specific wildcard rules, the most versatile configuration files are those that specify each channel most completely:

# This only works with SeedLink

# This works with FDSN and SeedLink, but not IRIS

# This works with all three:

SeisIO Standard Keywords

SeisIO.KW is a memory-resident structure of default values for common keywords used by package functions. KW has one substructure, SL, with keywords specific to SeedLink. These defaults can be modified, e.g., SeisIO.KW.nev=2 changes the default for nev to 2.

KW Default T [1] Meaning
comp 0x00 U8 compress data on write? [2]
fmt “miniseed” S request data format [3]
mag [6.0, 9.9] A{F,1} magnitude range for queries
n_zip 100000 I compress if length(:x) > n_zip
nd 1 I number of days per subrequest
nev 1 I number of events returned per query
nx_add 360000 I length increase of undersized data array
nx_new 8640000 I number of samples for a new channel
opts “” S user-specified options [4]
prune true B call prune! after get_data?
rad [] A{F,1} radial search region [5]
reg [] A{F,1} rectangular search region [6]
si true B autofill station info on data req? [7]
src “IRIS” S data source; type ?seis_www for list
to 30 I read timeout for web requests (s)
v 0 I verbosity
w false B write requests to disk? [8]
y false B sync data after web request?

Table Footnotes

[1]Types: A = Array, B = Boolean, C = Char, DT = DateTime, F = Float, I = Integer, S = String, U8 = Unsigned 8-bit integer (UInt8)
[2]If KW.comp == 0x00, never compress data; if KW.comp == 0x01, only compress channel i if length(S.x[i]) > KW.n_zip; if comp == 0x02, always compress data.
[3]Strings have the same names and spellings as file formats in read_data. Note that “sac” in a web request is aliased to “sacbl”, i.e., binary little-endian SAC, to match the native endianness of the Julia language.
[4]String is passed as-is, e.g. “szsrecs=true&repo=realtime” for FDSN. String should not begin with an ampersand.
[5]Specify region [center_lat, center_lon, min_radius, max_radius, dep_min, dep_max], with lat, lon, and radius in decimal degrees (°) and depth in km with + = down. Depths are only used for earthquake searches.
[6]Specify region [lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max, dep_min, dep_max], with lat, lon in decimal degrees (°) and depth in km with + = down. Depths are only used for earthquake searches.
[7]FDSNWS timeseries only.
[8]If w=true, a file name is automatically generated from the request parameters, in addition to parsing data to a SeisData structure. Files are created from the raw download even if data processing fails, in contrast to get_data(… wsac=true).

Utility Functions

This appendix covers utility functions that belong in no other category.


Aliased to Dates.datetime2unix.

fctoresp(fc, c)

Generate a generic PZResp object for a geophone with critical frequency fc and damping constant c. If no damping constant is specified, assumes c = 1/sqrt(2).

find_regex(path::String, r::Regex)

OS-agnostic equivalent to Linux find. First argument is a path string, second is a Regex. File strings are postprocessed using Julia’s native PCRE Regex engine. By design, find_regex only returns file names.

getbandcode(fs, fc=FC)

Get SEED-compliant one-character band code corresponding to instrument sample rate fs and corner frequency FC. If unset, FC is assumed to be 1 Hz.


Get the version of a SeisIO native format file.


Get numeric indices of channels in S whose instrument codes indicate seismic data.


Attempt to guess data file format and endianness using known binary file markers.

inst_code(S::GphysData, i::Int64)

Get instrument codes.


Similar functionality to Bash ls with OS-agnostic output. Accepts wildcards in paths and file names. * Always returns the full path and file name. * Partial file name wildcards (e.g. “ls(data/2006*.sac)) invoke glob. * Path wildcards (e.g. ls(/data/*/*.sac)) invoke find_regex to circumvent glob limitations. * Passing ony “*” as a filename (e.g. “ls(/home/*)) invokes find_regex to recursively search subdirectories, as in the Bash shell.


Return full path and file name of files in current working directory.

j2md(y, j)

Convert Julian day j of year y to month, day.

md2j(y, m, d)

Convert month m, day d of year y to Julian day j.

Remove unwanted characters from S.

parsetimewin(s, t)

Convert times s and t to strings \(\alpha, \omega\) sorted \(\alpha < \omega\). s and t can be real numbers, DateTime objects, or ASCII strings. Expected string format is “yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.nnn”, e.g. 2016-03-23T11:17:00.333.


Update sensitivity :a0 of PZResp/PZResp64 responses.


Attempt to guess critical frequency from poles and zeros of a PZResp/PZResp64.


Sets the SeisIO file version of file fname.


Alias to Dates.unix2datetime.


Validate strings in :units field to ensure UCUM compliance.


Check whether str contains valid UCUM units. .. _seisio_file_format:

SeisIO Native Format

Invoking the command wseis writes SeisIO structures to a native data format in little-endian byte order. This page documents the low-level file format. Abbreviations used:

Type Meaning C Fortran 77
Char Unicode character wchar CHARACTER*4
Float32 32-bit float float REAL
Float64 64-bit float double REAL*8
Int8 signed 8-bit int short INTEGER
Int16 signed 16-bit int int INTEGER*2
Int32 signed 32-bit int long INTEGER*4
Int64 signed 64-bit integer long long INTEGER*8
UInt8 unsigned 8-bit int unsigned short CHARACTER
UInt16 unsigned 16-bit int unsigned  
UInt32 unsigned 32-bit int unsigned long  
UInt64 unsigned 64-bit int unsigned long long  
Special instructions:

Parentheses, “()”, denote a custom object Type.
“{ (condition)” denotes the start of a loop; (condition) is the control flow.
“}” denotes the end of a loop.

Note that String in Julia has no exact C equivalence. SeisIO writes each String in two parts: an Int64 (String length in bytes) followed by the String contents (as bytes, equivalent to UInt8). Unlike C/Fortran, there are no issues with strings that contain the null character (0x00 or '\x0').

SeisIO File

Var Meaning T N
  “SEISIO” UInt8 6
V SeisIO file format version Float32 1
J # of SeisIO objects in file UInt32 1
C SeisIO object codes for each object UInt32 J
B Byte indices for each object UInt64 J
{     for i = 1:J
  (Objects) variable J
ID ID hashes UInt64 variable
TS Start times Int64 variable
TE End times Int64 variable
P Parent object index in C and B variable  
bID Byte offset of ID array Int64 1
bTS Byte offset of TS array Int64 1
bTE Byte offset of TE array Int64 1
bP Byte offset of P array Int64 1

ID, TS, and TE are the ID, data start time, and data end time of each channel in each object. P is the index of the parent object in C and B. TS and TE are measured from Unix epoch time (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) in integer microseconds.

Intent: when seeking data from channel i between times s and t, if hash(i) matches ID[j] and the time windows overlap, retrieve index k = P[j] from NP, seek to byte offset B[k], and read an object of type C[k] from file.

If an archive contains no data objects, ID, TS, TE, and P are empty; equivalently, bID == bTS.

Simple Object Types

Fields of these objects are written in one of three ways: as “plain data” types, such as UInt8 or Float64; as arrays; or as strings.

In a simple object, each array is stored as follows: 1. Int64 number of dimensions (e.g. 2) 2. Int64 array of dimensions themselves (e.g. 2, 2) 3. Array values (e.g. 0.08250153, 0.023121119, 0.6299772, 0.79595184)


Var Type N Meaning
lat Float64 1 latitude
lon Float64 1 longitude
dep Float64 1 depth
dx Float64 1 x-error
dy Float64 1 y-error
dz Float64 1 z-error
dt Float64 1 t-error (error in origin time)
se Float64 1 standard error
rms Float64 1 rms pick error
gap Float64 1 azimuthal gap
dmin Float64 1 minimum source-receiver distance in location
dmax Float64 1 maximum source-receiver distance in location
nst Int64 1 number of stations used to locate earthquake
flags UInt8 1 one-bit flags for special location properties
Ld Int64 1 length of “datum” string in bytes
datum UInt8 Ld Datum string
Lt Int64 1 length of “typ” (event type) string in bytes
typ UInt8 Lt earthquake type string
Li Int64 1 length of “sig” (error significance) string in bytes
sig UInt8 Li earthquake location error significance string
Lr Int64 1 length of “src” (data source) string in bytes
src UInt8 Lr data source string
flag meanings: (0x01 = true, 0x00 = false)
1. x fixed?
2. y fixed?
3. z fixed?
4. t fixed?
In Julia, get the value of flag[n] with >>(<<(flags, n-1), 7).


Var Type N Meaning
val Float32 1 magnitude value
gap Float64 1 largest azimuthal gap between stations in magnitude
nst Int64 1 number of stations used in magnitude computation
Lsc Int64 1 length of magnitude scale string
msc UInt8 Lsc magnitude scale string
Lr Int64 1 length of data source string
src UInt8 Lr data source string


Var Type N Meaning
F Float64 8 amplitude, distance, incidence angle, residual,
      ray parameter, takeoff angle, travel time, uncertainty
C Char 2 polarity, quality


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 size of descriptive string in bytes
desc UInt8 1 descriptive string
F Float64 3 duration, rise time, decay time


A vector of variable-length strings; its exact Type in Julia is Array{String,1}.

Var Type N Meaning
ee UInt8 1 is this string vector empty? [9]
L Int64 1 number of strings to read
{     i = 1:L
nb Int64 1 length of string in bytes
str UInt8 nb string
[9]If ee == 0x00, then no values are stored for L, nb, or str.

Location Types


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 length of datum string in bytes
datum UInt8 Ld datum string
Ll Int64 1 length of location vector in bytes
loc Float64 Ll location vector


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 length of datum string in bytes
datum UInt8 Ld datum string
F Float64 6 latitude, longitude, elevation,
      depth, azimuth, incidence


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 length of datum string in bytes
datum UInt8 N datum string
zone Int8 1 UTM zone number
hemi Char 1 hemisphere
E UInt64 1 Easting
N UInt64 1 Northing
F Float64 4 elevation, depth, azimuth, incidence


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 Length of datum string in bytes
datum UInt8 Ld datum string
F Float64 8 x, y, z, azimuth, incidence, origin x, origin y, origin z

Response Types


Var Type N Meaning
Ld Int64 1 length of descriptive string in bytes
desc UInt8 Ld descriptive string
nr Int64 1 Number of rows in complex response matrix
nc Int64 1 Number of columns in complex response matrix
resp Complex{Float64,2} nr*nc complex response matrix


Var Type N Meaning
c Float32 1 damping constant
np Int64 1 number of complex poles
p Complex{Float32,1} np complex poles vector
nz Int64 1 number of complex zeros
z Complex{Float32,1} nz complex zeros vector

PZResp64 is identical to PZResp with Float64 values for c, p, z, rather than Float32.

The Misc Dictionary

Most compound objects below contain a dictionary (Dict{String,Any}) for non-essential information in a field named :misc. The tables below describe how this field is written to disk.


Var Type N Meaning
N Int64 1 number of items in dictionary [10]
K (StringVec) 1 dictionary keys
{     for i = 1:N
c UInt8 1 Type code of object i
o variable 1 object i
[10]If N == 0, then N is the only value present.
Dictionary Contents

These subtables describe how to read the possible data types in a Misc dictionary.

String Array (c == 0x81)

Var Type N Meaning
A (StringVec) 1 string vector

Other Array (c == 0x80 or c > 0x81)

Var Type N Meaning
nd Int64 1 number of dimensions in array
dims Int64 nd array dimensions
arr varies prod(nd) array

String (c == 0x01)

Var Type N Meaning
L Int64 1 size of string in bytes
str UInt8 1 string

Bits Type (c == 0x00 or 0x01 < c < 0x7f)

Read a single value whose Type corresponds to the UInt8 Type code.

Compound Object Types

Each of these objects contains at least one of the above simple object types.


Var Type N Meaning
N Int64 1 number of SeisPha objects to read [11]
K (StringVec) 1 dictionary keys
pha (SeisPha) N seismic phases
[11]If N == 0, then N is the only value present.


A single channel of data related to a seismic event

Var Type N Meaning
Ni Int64 1 size of id string in bytes
id UInt8 Ni id string
Nn Int64 1 size of name string in bytes
name UInt8 Nn name string
Lt UInt8 1 location Type code
loc (Loc Type) 1 instrument position
fs Float64 1 sampling frequency in Hz
gain Float64 1 scalar gain
Rt UInt8 1 response Type code
resp (Resp Type) 1 instrument response
Nu Int64 1 size of units string in bytes
units UInt8 Nu units string
az Float64 1 azimuth
baz Float64 1 backazimuth
dist Float64 1 source-receiver distance
pha (PhaseCat) 1 phase catalog
Nr Int64 1 size of data source string in bytes
src UInt8 Nr data source string
misc (Misc) 1 dictionary for non-essential information
notes (StringVec) 1 notes and automated logging
Nt Int64 1 length of time gaps matrix
T Int64 2Nt time gaps matrix
Xc UInt8 1 Type code of data vector
Nx Int64 1 number of samples in data vector
X variable NX data vector


A single channel of univariate geophysical data

Var Type N Meaning
Ni Int64 1 size of id string in bytes
id UInt8 Ni id string
Nn Int64 1 size of name string in bytes
name UInt8 Nn name string
Lt UInt8 1 location Type code
loc (Loc Type) 1 instrument position
fs Float64 1 sampling frequency in Hz
gain Float64 1 scalar gain
Rt UInt8 1 response Type code
resp (Resp Type) 1 instrument response
Nu Int64 1 size of units string in bytes
units UInt8 Nu units string
Nr Int64 1 size of data source string in bytes
src UInt8 Nr data source string
misc (Misc) 1 dictionary for non-essential information
notes (StringVec) 1 notes and automated logging
Nt Int64 1 length of time gaps matrix
T Int64 2Nt time gaps matrix
Xc UInt8 1 Type code of data vector
Nx Int64 1 number of samples in data vector
X variable NX data vector


A multichannel record of time-series data related to a seismic event.

Var Type N Meaning
N Int64 1 number of data channels
Lc UInt8 N location Type codes for each data channel
Rc UInt8 N response Type codes for each data channel
Xc UInt8 N data Type codes for each data channel
cmp UInt8 1 are data compressed? (0x01 = yes)
Nt Int64 N number of rows in time gaps matrix for each channel
Nx Int64 N length of data vector for each channel [12]
id (StringVec) 1 channel ids
name (StringVec) 1 channel names
loc (Loc Type) N instrument positions
fs Float64 N sampling frequencies of each channel in Hz
gain Float64 N scalar gains of each channel
resp (Resp Type) N instrument responses
units (StringVec) 1 units of each channel’s data
az Float64 N event azimuth
baz Float64 N backazimuths to event
dist Float64 N source-receiver distances
pha (PhaseCat) N phase catalogs for each channel
src (StringVec) 1 data source strings for each channel
misc (Misc) N dictionaries of non-essential information for each channel
notes (StringVec) N notes and automated logging for each channel
{     for i = 1:N
T Int64 2Nt[i] Matrix of time gaps for channel i
{     for i = 1:N
X Xc[i] Nx[i] Data vector i [13]
[12]If cmp == 0x01, each value in Nx is the number of bytes of compressed data to read; otherwise, this is the number of samples in each channel.
[13]If cmp == 0x01, read Nx[i] samples of type UInt8 and pass through lz4 decompression to generate data vector i; else read Nx[i] samples of the type corresponding to code Xc[i].


A record containing multiple channels of univariate geophysical data.

Var Type N Meaning
N Int64 1 number of data channels
Lc UInt8 N location Type codes for each data channel
Rc UInt8 N response Type codes for each data channel
Xc UInt8 N data Type codes for each data channel
cmp UInt8 1 are data compressed? (0x01 = yes)
Nt Int64 N number of rows in time gaps matrix for each channel
Nx Int64 N length of data vector for each channel [14]
id (StringVec) 1 channel ids
name (StringVec) 1 channel names
loc (Loc Type) N instrument positions
fs Float64 N sampling frequencies of each channel in Hz
gain Float64 N scalar gains of each channel
resp (Resp Type) N instrument responses
units (StringVec) 1 units of each channel’s data
src (StringVec) 1 data source strings for each channel
misc (Misc) N dictionaries of non-essential information for each channel
notes (StringVec) N notes and automated logging for each channel
{     for i = 1:N
T Int64 2Nt[i] Matrix of time gaps for channel i
{     for i = 1:N
X Xc[i] Nx[i] Data vector i [15]
[14]If cmp == 0x01, each value in Nx is the number of bytes of compressed data to read; otherwise, this is the number of samples in each channel.
[15]If cmp == 0x01, read Nx[i] samples of type UInt8 and pass through lz4 decompression to generate data vector i; else read Nx[i] samples of the type corresponding to code Xc[i].


Var Type N Meaning
Li Int64 1 length of event ID string
id UInt8 Li event ID string
iv UInt8 1 intensity value
Ls Int64 1 length of intensity scale string
isc UInt8 Ls intensity scale string
loc (EQLoc) 1 earthquake location
mag (EQMag) 1 earthquake magnitude
misc (Misc) 1 dictionary containing non-essential information
notes (StringVec) 1 notes and automated logging
ot Int64 1 origin time [16]
Lr Int64 1 length of data source string
src UInt8 Lr data source string
Lt Int64 1 length of event type string
typ UInt8 Lt event type string
[16]Measured from Unix epoch time (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) in integer microseconds


Var Type N Meaning
Li Int64 1 length of source id string
id UInt8 Li id string
Le Int64 1 length of event id string
eid UInt8 Le event id string
m0 Float64 1 scalar moment
Lm Int64 1 length of moment tensor vector
mt Float64 Lm moment tensor vector
Ld Int64 1 length of moment tensor misfit vector
dm Float64 Ld moment tensor misfit vector
np Int64 1 number of polarities
gap Float64 1 max. azimuthal gap
pad Int64 2 dimensions of principal axes matrix
pax Float64 pad[1]*pad[2] principal axes matrix
pld Int64 2 dimensions of nodal planes matrix
planes Float64 pld[1]*pld[2] nodal planes matrix
Lr Int64 1 length of data source string
src UInt8 1 data source string
st (SourceTime) 1 source-time description
misc (Misc) 1 Dictionary containing non-essential information
notes (StringVec) 1 Notes and automated logging


Var Type N Meaning
hdr (SeisHdr) 1 event header
source (SeisSrc) 1 event source process
data (EventTraceData) 1 event trace data

Data Type Codes

Each Type code is written to disk as a UInt8, with the important exception of SeisIO custom object Type codes (which use UInt32).

Loc Type Codes

UInt8 Type
0x00 GenLoc
0x01 GeoLoc
0x02 UTMLoc
0x03 XYLoc

Resp Type Codes

UInt8 Type
0x00 GenResp
0x01 PZResp
0x02 PZResp64

Other Type Codes

Only the Types below are faithfully preserved in write/read of a :misc field dictionary; other Types are not written to file and can cause wseis to throw errors.

Type UInt8 Type UInt8
Char 0x00 Array{Char,N} 0x80
String 0x01 Array{String,N} 0x81
UInt8 0x10 Array{UInt8,N} 0x90
UInt16 0x11 Array{UInt16,N} 0x91
UInt32 0x12 Array{UInt32,N} 0x92
UInt64 0x13 Array{UInt64,N} 0x93
UInt128 0x14 Array{UInt128,N} 0x94
Int8 0x20 Array{Int8,N} 0xa0
Int16 0x21 Array{Int16,N} 0xa1
Int32 0x22 Array{Int32,N} 0xa2
Int64 0x23 Array{Int64,N} 0xa3
Int128 0x24 Array{Int128,N} 0xa4
Float16 0x30 Array{Float16,N} 0xb0
Float32 0x31 Array{Float32,N} 0xb1
Float64 0x32 Array{Float64,N} 0xb2
Complex{UInt8} 0x50 Array{Complex{UInt8},N} 0xd0
Complex{UInt16} 0x51 Array{Complex{UInt16},N} 0xd1
Complex{UInt32} 0x52 Array{Complex{UInt32},N} 0xd2
Complex{UInt64} 0x53 Array{Complex{UInt64},N} 0xd3
Complex{UInt128} 0x54 Array{Complex{UInt128},N} 0xd4
Complex{Int8} 0x60 Array{Complex{Int8},N} 0xe0
Complex{Int16} 0x61 Array{Complex{Int16},N} 0xe1
Complex{Int32} 0x62 Array{Complex{Int32},N} 0xe2
Complex{Int64} 0x63 Array{Complex{Int64},N} 0xe3
Complex{Int128} 0x64 Array{Complex{Int128},N} 0xe4
Complex{Float16} 0x70 Array{Complex{Float16},N} 0xf0
Complex{Float32} 0x71 Array{Complex{Float32},N} 0xf1
Complex{Float64} 0x72 Array{Complex{Float64},N} 0xf2
SeisIO Object Type codes
UInt32 Code Object Type
0x20474330 EventChannel
0x20474331 SeisChannel
0x20474430 EventTraceData
0x20474431 SeisData
0x20495030 GenLoc
0x20495031 GeoLoc
0x20495032 UTMLoc
0x20495033 XYLoc
0x20495230 GenResp
0x20495231 PZResp64
0x20495232 PZResp
0x20504330 PhaseCat
0x20534530 SeisEvent
0x20534830 SeisHdr
0x20535030 SeisPha
0x20535330 SeisSrc
0x20535430 SourceTime
0x45514c30 EQLoc
0x45514d30 EQMag

File Format Version History

File format versions <0.50 are no longer supported; please email us if you need to read in very old data.
Version Date Change
0.53 2019-09-11 removed :i, :o from CoeffResp
    added :i, :o to MultiStageResp
0.52 2019-09-03 added CoeffResp, MultiStageResp
0.51 2019-08-01 added :f0 to PZResp, PZResp64
0.50 2019-06-05 all custom Types can now use write() directly
    rewrote how :misc is stored
    Type codes for :misc changed
    deprecated BigFloat/BigInt support in :misc
    :n is no longer stored as a UInt32
    :x compression no longer automatic
    :x compression changed from Blosc to lz4