Write Suppport

The table below sumamrizes the current write options for SeisIO. Each function is described in detail in this chapter.

Structure/Description Output Format Function Submodule
GphysChannel ASDF write_hdf5  
GphysChannel SAC timeseries writesac  
GphysChannel channel metadata StationXML write_sxml  
GphysChannel instrument response SAC polezero writesacpz  
GphysData ASDF write_hdf5  
GphysData SAC timeseries writesac  
GphysData channel metadata StationXML write_sxml  
GphysData instrument response SAC polezero writesacpz  
SeisEvent ASDF write_hdf5  
SeisEvent header and source info ASDF QuakeML asdf_wqml  
SeisEvent header and source info QuakeML write_qml  
SeisEvent trace data only SAC timeseries writesac  
Array{SeisEvent, 1} ASDF QuakeML asdf_wqml  
Array{SeisHdr, 1} QuakeML write_qml  
Array{SeisHdr, 1}, Array{SeisSrc, 1} ASDF QuakeML asdf_wqml  
Array{SeisHdr, 1}, Array{SeisSrc, 1} QuakeML write_qml  
SeisHdr QuakeML write_qml  
SeisHdr, SeisSrc ASDF QuakeML asdf_wqml  
SeisHdr, SeisSrc QuakeML wqml  
any SeisIO structure SeisIO file wseis  
primitive data type or array ASDF AuxiliaryData asdf_waux  

Methods for SeisEvent, SeisHdr, or SeisSrc are part of submodule SeisIO.Quake. asdf_waux and asdf_wqml are part of SeisIO.SeisHDF..

Write Functions

Functions are organized by file format.


write_hdf5(fname, S)

Write data from S to file fname in a seismic HDF5 format. The default file format is ASDF.

With ASDF files, if typeof(S) == SeisEvent, S.hdr and S.source are written (appended) to the “QuakeML ” element.

Supported Keywords

KW Type Default Meaning
add Bool false Add new traces to file as needed?
chans ChanSpec 1:S.n Channels to write to file
len Period Day(1) Length of new traces added to file
ovr Bool false Overwrite data in existing traces?
v Integer 0 verbosity
Write Method: Add (add=true)

Initializes new traces (filled with NaNs) of length = len as needed, and overwrite with data in appropriate places.

add=true follows these steps in this order: 1. Determine times of all data in S[chans] and all traces in “Waveforms/”. 2. For all data in S[chans] that cannot be written to an existing trace, a new trace of length = len sampled at S.fs[i] is initialized (filled with NaNs). 3. If a segment in S[chans] overlaps a trace in “Waveforms/” (including newly- created traces): + Merge the header data in S[chans] into the relevant station XML. + Overwrite the relevant segment(s) of the trace.

Unless len exactly matches the time boundaries of each segment in S, new traces will contain more data than S, with the extra samples initialized to NaNs. Presumably these will be replaced with real data in subsequent overwrites.

Write Method: Overwrite (ovr = true)

If ovr=true is specified, but add=false, write_hdf5 only overwrites existing data in hdf_out. * No new trace data objects are created in hdf_out. * No new file is created. If hdf_out doesn’t exist, nothing happens. * If no traces in hdf_out overlap segments in S, hdf_out isn’t modified. * Station XML is merged in channels that are partly overwritten.


write_qml(fname, Ev::SeisEvent; v::Integer=0)

Write event metadata from SeisEvent Ev to file fname.

write_qml(fname, SHDR::SeisHdr; v::Integer=0)
write_qml(fname, SHDR::Array{SeisHdr, 1}; v::Integer=0)

Write QML to file fname from SHDR.

If fname exists, and is QuakeML, SeisIO appends the existing XML. If the file exists, but is NOT QuakeML, an error is thrown; the file isn’t overwritten.

write_qml(fname, SHDR::SeisHdr, SSRC::SeisSrc; v::Integer=0) write_qml(fname, SHDR::Array{SeisHdr,1}, SSRC::Array{SeisSrc,1}; v::Integer=0)

Write QML to file fname from SHDR and SSRC.

Warning: To write data from SeisSrc structure R in array SSRC, it must be true that R.eid == H.id for some H in array SHDR.


writesac(S::GphysData, chans=CC, v=V)
writesac(C::GphysChannel; chans=CC, fname=FF, v=V)

Write SAC data to SAC files with auto-generated names. With any GphysChannel subtype, specifying fname=FF sets the filename to FF.

writesacpz(pzf, S[, chans=CC])

Write fields from SeisIO structure S to SACPZ file pzf. Specify which channels to write in a GphysDaya structure with chans=CC.

SeisIO Native

wseis(fname, S)
wseis(fname, S, T, U...)

Write SeisIO data to file fname. Multiple objects can be written at once.

Station XML

write_sxml(fname, S[, chans=CC])

Write station XML from the fields of S to file fname. Specify channel numbers to write in a GphysData object with chans=CC.

Use keyword chans=Cha to restrict station XML write to Cha. This keyword can accept an Integer, UnitRange, or Array{Int64,1} argument.